Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Spiritual Growth and how to achieve it..

I know there are many of us who struggle with the day to day life of challenges, routines, chores, parenting, relationships, stress, deadlines etc.  Todays life is so fast paced.  With everything we have, all the modern technology to make our lives easier and get things dones faster, we find there is still not enough time left in a day.  How did our ancestors do it?  Why can't we seem to manage it?  Why are we all in such a hurry??

Sometimes I think we need to go back to the basics.  Back to reconnecting with ourselves.  Taking some time out for ourselves, etc.  Reconnecting with life..

Here are my 10 top tips I believe to get you reconnecting and expand your spiritual growth..

1)  Read spiritual and uplifting books and articles.  Think about what is written and think about how you can use it in your every day life.  A good book to start on is the Secret!!

2)  Meditate for at least 15 minutes everyday!  If you find meditating hard, sit in a quiet placed, undisturbed and be mindful of the noises around you, what your surroundings look like, what they smell like.  Go outside and just take in the scenery and take some deep breaths.  Works wonders.

3) Acknowledge the fact that your are a spirit with a physical body.  Not a physical body with a spirit.  Everything you have and possess gets left behind, be less materialistic.

4) Look inwards into yourself and your mind often.  What is it that makes you feel alive??

5) Only think Positive Thoughts.  This is so beneficial for your soul and well-being.

6) Develop the Happiness Habit.  Always look at the brighter side of life and endeavour to be happy.  Happiness is a way of life.  Happiness comes from within.  Don't let unforeseen circumstances decide your happiness for you.

7) Exercise.  Those endorphins are happy drugs..  This keeps your physical body healthy and functioning normal. 

8)  Thank the universe for everything you have!  Gratefulness is the religion for Spiritual Growth.

9)  Develop tolerance, tact, patience, kindness and consideration for others.  It really isn't that hard to be nice to others and give a gentle smile to strangers.

10)  Pray!  If you want something or need something Ask?  If you want to be thankful and show gratitude for all you have, Thank God or the Angels or whoever you want to pray to! I'm forever talking and thanking, usually it is to my mum or the angels, whoever is out there in spirit who wants to listen.

Spiritual Growth is the birthright to everyone.  It is the key to a life of happiness and peace of mind.  Don't let your spirituality be hidden by thoughts, beliefs, materialism and negative beliefs. xoxo

Monday, January 26, 2015

Australia Day - Proud to be an Aussie!!

Today marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, NSW. 

In present-day Australia, celebrations reflect the diverse society and landscape of the nation, and are marked by community and family events, reflections on Australian history, official community awards, and citizenship ceremonies welcoming new immigrants into the Australian community.

Today is usually met with mixed emotions!  Some sad and angry for the invasion of their

land, some happy and cheerful to be privileged to live in this beautiful country we call our 


For me the meaning of Australia day means Lamingtons, Meat Pies, Family BBQ's,

Sausages on the Bar- B, The Australian Flag, Beaches, Pools, Music, Being with Friends 

and Family, Pavlova's, Thongs, Zinc, Drinks, Celebrations, Slip n Slides, People being 

sworn in for citizenship, outdoors, ....  The list is endless..

Its also means to me to be 

Patriotic, to be Proud to be an Australian, feeling grateful to be able to live in such a great

country full of warmth, sun, beaches, freedom and the vast opportunities that Australia has

to offer.

Today we stayed at home, my hubby and I enjoying a few drinks and a cheese platter, the tunes playing in the back ground then a quietly, but competitive game of who could throw the boomerang the best and have it actually come back!  Bahaha this was sooo funny!  Hot Dogs for dinner and reflection with our Boys on what is Australia Day.

Never take for granted for one minute – especially with the horrific events that has occurred of late that you were born into a country like Australia.  That you will be raised with love, opportunity & support. That we live in a wonderful amazing country where we are free and free from war.  Now that, right there, deserves to be celebrated.  Be Proud!  Aussie Aussie Aussie!  Oi!  Oi!  Oi!.

How did you celebrate Australia Day?  What does Australia Day and being Australia mean to you?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Magical Experience - Being one with Nature

I've always loved nature and all its animals and creatures.  I've never been one to deny this. We are constantly seeking balance in our lives. We look to our homes, jobs, and the environment and contemplate ways to find a connection that will bring peace, happiness, and harmony. Striving to become one with nature and the elements is a wonderful way to move toward this serenity, and tapping into the forces of nature can help to bring new perspective to our quest.

All life has value and purpose, yet many of us do not even take the time to sit outside in nature and receive the healing qualities it offers our body, mind, and spirit. And Oh what a magical experience we had today being one with nature.

We took our boys to the Shark and Ray Centre at Port Stephens to be one with nature and experience what it is like being in the water and being one with our beautiful creatures.  We learnt about the different types of species there are of Stingrays and Sharks today.  We got to be in the water with some of these species and actually have them swimming around our legs and having the opportunity to touch them and pat them.  WOW!  We were all amazed.

The stingrays were such majestic creatures.  So soft, so inquisitive and their little faces are so cute. We got the hand feed them and got big cuddles off the 350kg female.

We learnt alot of interesting facts today too.  
The normal everyday facts like how many species, what they eat, how long they grow and what their weight is, how many babies they have, etc.  But some really interesting facts were:

  • Why the female is larger than the male, as the male has to suction onto the females back and if he were larger he would damage her back.
  • Why they have barbs - for defense.  It takes 6 months for a barb to grow back.  The barb is venomous and can be dangerous to humans.  The ancient Greeks used to used the venom from the barbs as an anesthetic.
  • The reason why a stingray is so soft and slimy is that it is covered with an 80% alcoholic coating and that the coating is awesome if you have cuts, just rub on the stingray.  Back in the pirates day, if pirates ran out of booze, they would catch a stingray and lick it until they became intoxicated.  

Too funny.  But what an experience!  Highly recommend it!

Spiritual Sunday - Base Chakra

As I said last week, for the next 7 Weeks I will expand on each of the Chakras.  

Today we will start at the bottom of the Chakra's - The Base Chakra also know as the Root Chakra.

Base Chakra – Muladhara  (Mula=Root  adhara=Support)

1st Chakra
Located – Base of the Spine
Colour – RED
Instinctual need for survival
Deals with survival – Blocked by Fear                       

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine.  This is your foundation and is governed by the bones, legs, feet, ankles, knees, hips, adrenal glands, nails, colon, blood, lower digestive functions, excretory functions and spinal column.
It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth.  This chakra is related to issues of physical security and is affected by your thoughts and feelings about Finances, Career, Home, Physical Safety, Needs and Possessions.  

The Root Chakra is your survival centre and assists on keeping us grounded to the earth, trust and safety. It is our sense of belonging.  Your fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra, and influences our immune system, our energy, basic impulses and instincts as well as endurance, ambition, patience and strength of character. This is your primal, animal nature.

Main Goal
The Main goal with your Root Chakra is to stand up for yourself, obtain physical health and fitness, be grounded, obtain stability and security. The basic issues associated with the root chakra are instinct, safety, survival, grounding, family, security, boundaries, and new beginnings.

When this chakra is balanced we feel grounded, centred, secure, confident, healthy, alive, having energy, vitality and optimism, loves life and takes good care of their body.

If the chakra is unbalanced we may feel unbalanced, emotionally needy, rage and anger, have low self- esteem, afraid and fearful or over materialistic, you may worry about finances, you may gamble and become self-centred.  Unbalances within the chakra may cause illness or dis-ease.  As the Root Chakra is governed by the bones, legs, feet, ankles, knees, hips, adrenal glands, nails, colon, blood, lower digestive functions, excretory functions and spinal column, illnesses such as :-

Anaemia, Addictions, Fatigue, Obesity, Anorexia, Anal/ Rectum problems, Constipation, Haemorrhoids, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Bladder Infections, Sciatica, Lower Back Pain, Cancer, Varicose Veins, Blood Disorders, Immune Related Disorders, Leukaemia, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Poor Sleep, feelings of spaciness and being incapable of inner stillness are just some of the physical/emotional dysfunctions of the Root Chakra.  The ultimate root chakra failure is suicide.

All of the seven chakras are important and interconnected with each other. It is important though to balance the Root Chakra first, before we proceed to others, as we cannot grow and change unless we feel safe and secure.

How to Clear, Balance And Nurture Your First Chakra

Here are some pleasant, practical, “real-world” things you can do to support first chakra health and radiance. Once you see the pattern, I’m sure you’ll be able to think of more.  Remember, intention is the “secret ingredient.”

- I am grounded
- I love life
- I know who I am and make choices based on what I know to be right for me.
- I am supported in life through all my choices to do good and share the light of love.
- I am safe and secure.
- My body supports me in living a creative and happy life.
- I feel deeply rooted.
- I am thankful for all the opportunities for growth and development that have come my way.
- I am grateful for the challenges that have taught me who I truly am.
- I am grounded and stable.

- I make healthy choices that are good or me.

• Take time every day, say five or ten minutes, to belly breathe. Belly breathing is deep, slow breathing all the way into the lower third of your lungs. Many people breathe quickly and shallowly. Make sure that your belly is rising when you breathe in, and falling when you breathe out. Slow your breathing down and enjoy the feeling of the air coming into and out of your lungs. 

Walk. Get some good shoes, make a commitment to walk most days and then do it. If you have a chance, slip off your shoes and walk barefoot in the grass. Dig your toes into the dirt or walk on the beach.

Dance. Whether you’re on a dance floor, playing with your children or all alone in your living room it doesn’t matter. Turn on some music and let yourself go, particularly exercising your feet, legs and pelvis.

• Get out in your garden and dig around in the dirt.

Compost your kitchen scraps and garden trimmings.

• Resolve to keep your thoughts more in the present.

• Learn to ground and center yourself.

Red is the color of the first chakra. This can be any shade of red, from deepest crimson to a gentle pink. Wear or bring into your home a shade of red that especially appeals to you. A scarf or vase of flowers is an easy way to incorporate color into your life. Extra points for red shoes, red underwear or red socks! Bringing shades of red into the family room is also especially beneficial.

Surround yourself with pleasing, earthy smells, such as cedar, clove or patchouli. Essential oils are a wonderful way to bring these aromas into your life.  Burn candles, melts or reeds in your space that have the Essential Oils needed for the Base Chakra.  See my Heaven Scent Healing Candles on Facebook.  Perfect!

Hope this helps you to understand more on the base Chakra.  

Next Week.. The Sacral Chakra.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

TV Series, the more Seasons the better - I am addicted...

Its a super hot day here in the Hunter of NSW Australia.  What better way than to beat the heat by staying indoors, air conditioner on and having a marathon of the TV series I am currently addicted to.

I get so involved and lost into a show when I become obsessed, I feel like I am part of their lives and they are my friends.  Sad I know.  I am sure we all have over 5 TV Shows that we have absolutely enjoyed..

So today I am having a marathon of The Vikings.  OMG Ragnar Lothbrok is so sexy!  Not sure I could of lived in the Viking era but damn, if the Vikings looked and were built like Ragnar, well Hell Yes!  I just finished watching Season 1 and my lovely hubby picked up Season 2 for me today!

Season 3 comes out in February so I have some catching up to do, but it wont take me long, especially since the weather is meant to be hot today and hotter tomorrow.  Bonus!

Over time I have watched quite a few TV Series.  I love it when my friends and family are into the same ones as me and you can discuss the show to great lengths.  My fav ones are Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, True Blood, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy and United States of Tara.  These I could watch over and over again.  I also enjoy some of the Reality TV Shows like My Kitchen Rules, but TV Series are way better than RealityTV!

So Chow for now while I drool and watch Ragnar in the Vikings.

Do you have any favourites?  Do you agree with mine?  Or do you have recommendations of other TV Series I should watch?

Friday, January 23, 2015

4 Fun Facts Friday about me..

Nicknames, we all have them, had them and more than likely yet to get them.  Some of them stick for a lifetime, some for only a short time.  Some we love and some we hate.

Most nicknames are a form of endearment or affection.  I know over the years I have had quite a few for all different reasons off all different people.  Family had a nickname for me, my mum had a nickname for me, my dad had a nickname for me, Friends had nicknames for me and I am sure you all have nicknames too? 

How or where did you get your nickname?

Seeing that it is 4 Fun Facts Friday about me, I will share 4 Nicknames given to me from a young child by 4 different people.

1)  Sneddo - My friend of 35years gave me this nickname 35 years ago, seeing that Sneddon was my Maiden name.  Heaps of people have called my this over the years.

2) Sugar - My mum gave me this nickname again when I was young.  She still called me that up to before she passed away.

3)  Cherry Blossom - This was my nickname given to me off my dad when I was a little girl.   I always felt special whenever he called me that.

4) Grub - My Uncle gave me this nickname again when I was young.  You know I am just about to turn 40 and every now and then he still calls me that.  

Please share how you got your Nickname!  I find it quite interesting...

Its not always Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

My days aren't always sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.   I put alot of time & energy into my emotional and mental wellbeing.

Today I have woken flat.  As did my mum, I too suffer from depression and anxiety.  It is a daily battle to stay on top.  This is the reason why I am so avid for positivity, affirmations and all things spiritual to keep me where I need to be.

Depending whats going on in my life, I can easily slips through the cracks and wake up feeling flat and in the land of the "I can't be bothereds", "I have no interest", "I dont care" and hiding away, etc. 

Do you do this?

I try very hard to be happy on the outside, practice my positivity and gratitude everyday because believe me it works.  Though when the time comes and the yoyo of the ups and downs starts to slide to the downs, I make sure I work extra hard to get back up.  I don't beat myself up, I acknowledge how Im feeling, look for the cause as to why, try to deal with them and tell myself that tomorrow is a brand new day.

So just for today I am going to be a little kinder to myself, take some time out for myself to be mindful and relax, and of course keep practicing my positivity and gratefulness, because even in the lowest of days, you can still find things to be grateful for.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Music changes over the past 100 years

I was driving to work this morning, listening to the radio as I always do.  Singing along to whatever is on at the time, in my own little world.  Then two of my old favs came on - back to the 80's - 90's.  Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes and Place your Hand - Reef.  Wow takes me right back.

Then my mind starting rambling away as it does.  Thoughts of wow has music changed over the years.  I have seen it move from Vinyl, to Cassette, to CD, to MP3's.  How quickly it all changes.

For me I was born in the mid 70's, but 80's and 90's music was my musical era (teens to mid 20's).  The time of Disco, Hip Hop, Gothic, Pop, Grunge, Boy/Girl Bands, Techno, Heavy Metal etc.  As my mind set off on its own questioning, I realized that once upon a time Music used to define us.  Who we were, where we fitted in as a group. 

I could go back as far as the:

50's - the rockers wore Leather and the hair was slicked with Brill Cream and they listened to Chubby Checker and Elvis Presley.

60's - The beach rockers wore Hawaiian Shirts and listened to the Beach Boys, the Doors, Jimi Hendrix while the hippies wore their bellbottoms and listened to Joe Cocker & The Monkees

70's - Punks wore their safety pins and listened to the New York Stooges and Disco wore Gogo Dresses and listened Abba & The Village People

My Era
80's & 90's - The Stoners listened to Cypress Hill, the Goths listened to The Cure, The Hip Hops listened to Ice T & 2PAC, the Surfies listened to Violent Femmes, Reef and Gangajang, The Reggaers listened to Arrested Development and UB40, the Grungers listened to Pearl Jam & Nirvana then you had the Metal heads who listened to ACDC, Guns'n'Roses, Metallica etc just to name a few.

But have you noticed...

That as of the 2000's we are no longer defined by our music.  We don't wear clothes to define who we are or what music we listen to. 

Have you noticed that we don't dress Punk or Hip Hop or Rap etc anymore? 

Have you noticed that music is now more energetic, faster and louder, less meaning and ballads. 

Music is now more digitalised and less acoustic. 

Gone are the days of just a good ole guitar, drums and a keyboard. 

Most of the genres today are Pop, Rap, Hip Hop, & Rock, though the good ole Country has always stayed a constant. 

All of the above is just my perception.  You may agree or disagree!  Though I have to say I could not live without music in my life.  What I listen to these days rely heavily on how I am feeling at the time.  Whether I need something upbeat, relaxing, if I feel like reminiscing or just to have something in the back ground.  It certainly does not define me.  I listen to a whole range of styles of music and enjoy each one just as much as the other.

What are your thoughts on the movement of music over the last couple of centuries??

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wise Words Wednesday..

Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems - Anon

I love this quote!  Its is very true and very fitting for Wise Words Wednesday.

Have you ever notice people who talk about their troubles excessively?  Everything that comes out of their mouth is negative?  Woe is me!  Ive been hard done by!  I hate my job!  I have no money!  IMy life is so hard!  I do everything all the time and nobody does anything for me!  I hear it all the time.  Guess what that means, they keep attracting more negativity into their life.  Their life will always be full of troubles, issues, sadness, helplessness, feeling bitter and resentful.

You can turn your life around.  Tomorrow is a brand new day.  Go one day without being negative.  Be thankful for what you DO have in your life, be thankful for those who DO love you, that you have a roof over your head, food to eat, clothes to wear, a country that is not at war to live in, an earth that is amazing.  Continue to think positive thoughts all day, replace any negativity with a positive one.   I can guarantee that at the end of the day you will definately feel better, lighter and happier.

I challenge you to one full day of positive thoughts and being grateful.  Then I want you to tell me how you felt?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jamie Oliver - I love you!

Of course we all have those days when we get home from work, or just can't be bothered to cook tea!  YES!!  Oh me to!  This is why I love Jamie Oliver!!

Unfortunately this happens a few times a week for me.  I am by no means any cook and would rather the quick simple way out than to stand and slave over a stove for 1/2 - 1hour for a meal to be gone in 60 seconds.  My thermomix has been a godsend, and my usually quick go to meal when I can't be bothered is risotto, takes all of 15 minutes and I don't even have to stir...

But what I really really love and what I grab each time I can't be bothered is one of Jamie Olivers meals!  They taste like you have just been served a meal from a restaurant.  The flavours just explode in your mouth, all the hard work has been taken out.  You just take it out of the wrapper and cook, add some veges in the steamer or Thermo or add a quick salad and its done.  No effort at all, healthy, easy, no fuss.

Last night we had the Crunch Cajun Chicken Pieces with a quick salad!  Again!  So simple, no effort, healthy, way better than pies or chicken nuggets chucked in the oven.  My kids love all of Jamies meals!

Are you like me?  Have slack dinners?  Can't be bothered?  What is your go to meal when you can't be bothered?  Please share!

Jamie I love you!  You save me so much time and effort while still having a tasty flavoursome healthy meal!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Back to School Shopping

Oh the dreaded task of the ole back to school shopping.  Today we braved the shops along with the multitude of others, to get all the back to school basics.
Dragging my two boys along, trying on shoes, taking shoes off, trying on more shoes, groans, whinging, arghhhhhh!  I want this, I want that, I need this, the hundreds of exercise books in all different sizes.  I like this school bag.  I am sure I heard it all today!
I had to stop and refuel at the local cafe for a late brunch and a strong coffee to get me through the rest of the shopping experience.  Usually I love shopping, but not school shopping, I loath it!  There were so many people in the shoe shops it took forever to get served, to find the correct shoe size and even the line up to pay was ridiculous. 

Nutella French Toast with Strawberries & Maple Syrup = YUM!

And not to mention the expense!  WOW!  This year I have my eldest starting high school.  There are new uniforms, new shoes, new bag, a mobile phone, lots of school exercise books and stationery, the tablet plus higher school fees!  The list is endless.
But I survived the day!  I now have everything we need and can relax again until school goes back on the 28th January and be thankful that the dreaded school shopping is done for another 12 months.
Where did these school holidays go?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Spiritual Sunday - Chakra's

Seeing that I gave you a little introduction yesterday with my candles, I thought I would go into a little more information about your Chakra's.

Everyone has seven "main" spinning energy centres within our bodies which are aligned with our spinal column which extends from the base of the spine to the top of our head.  Each centre is associated with a specific colour.  The location of each chakra loosely corresponds to an area of the body's anatomy that governs our psychological properties.

  • THE LOWER THREE CHAKRAS deal with physical awareness such as survival, emotion, and personal power.
  • THE MIDDLE CHAKRA is the center of love in all forms, connecting physical and spiritual awareness.
  • THE UPPER THREE CHAKRAS govern the intuitive activity of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and enlightenment.

  • Chakra                    Colour         Location                 Life Lesson
    Base Chakra           Red              Base of Spine          To Stand up for oneself
    Sacral Chakra         Orange         Lower Abdomen      Pleasure / Relationships
    Solar Plexus            Yellow         Stomach                   Self Esteem / Willpower
    Heart                       Green          Centre of Chest        Forgiveness / Passion
    Throat                     Blue             Throat                       Self Expression
    Third Eye                Indigo           Forehead & Eyes     Emotional Intelligence
    Crown                     Violet           Top of Head              Selflessness / Enlightenment


    When all of your chakras are balanced you feel safe, creative, strong, and secure in yourself and relationships.  You feel good, you feel balanced, relaxed, whole and healthy.  You feel everything in your life is going well for you. You are comfortable speaking your mind, and your thoughts come together with clarity and ease.  Everyone who is associated with you, either professional or personal, are attracted to your energy and wants to be with you.   The reason you have become a “people magnet” is because you are radiating such positive energy, people start to look for you.  You also feel connected to your intuition and the vital energy of the universe.

     Unbalanced / Blocked

    It is important that we do not let any of our chakra’s become out of balance or over power any of the rest.  It is all about maintaining balance.  When the flow of energy in one or more of the chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, we may develop physical and mental illnesses or dis-ease.  If you are having pain or health issues in a certain area of your body, look to the lcoation of each chakra to see which chakra you need to work on.

    Next Sunday I will start to break the Chakra's down one by one and give you more information on each individual chakra..

    Enjoy your Sunday xoxo

    Saturday, January 17, 2015

    Heaven Scent Healing Candles

    Today has been a massive production day of making candles, melts, reeds and chakra candle kits.  I have worked non stop today from 9:30am to 4:30pm and I still haven't finished.  The cooking is done, the packaging and labelling has not, a chore for tomorrow..

    Yes thats right I make candles!  I love it!  My candles are called "Heaven Scent Healing Candles".  You can find me on Facebook - Heaven Scent Healing Candles or you can email me at hshealingcandles@yahoo.com.au

     I've walked down some hard paths and always look towards the spiritual side of life for help.  The meditation, the mindfulness, being grateful, helping others, aromatherapy, the chakra's, crystals, etc.  I also like the natural side of life where I can!  There are so many pollutants. additives, preservatives and everything else added to todays society.  Dont get me wrong, I am not a total natural guru, I love my caffiene and chocolate and other naughty things in life..

    How it all came about was that I love candles, but I couldn't find a specific candle for a certain chakra, unless it was dyed to coincide to that colour of the chakra.  I didn't want dyes as dyes ares carcogenic, so is paraffin wax and lead wicks.  I also wanted my chakra candles to have a fragrance, so alot of research was put into which essential oils work best with each chakra and came up with my own formulas for each chakra candle.  I wanted a candle to help people on their healing journey as well as my own healing journey.  With a diploma in Beauty Therapy & Reiki Level 2 Attunement, my Aromatherapy and Reiki came in very handy.  I infuse each candle with Reiki to aid faster and higher levels of healing. 

    All my candles are made with 100% high grade soybean wax - an all natural plant product, my chakra candles are fragranced with 100% essential oils and I use 100% cotton wicks.  I do not dye my candles.  I am extremely passionate about health and the well-being of myself and others and made it my clear focus to create a 100% natural and eco-friendly candle as well as creating a wonderful aroma and ambience that will fill your home or space.

    Ive since branched out and added to my Chakra Candles with a specialty range for those special occasions in yours or someone elses life.

    Here is a list of my fragrances:  - These come in a 30hour candle, 6block melts, and a reed diffuser.

    Chakra Candles are also made with 100% Essential Oils
    Base Chakra - Clove, Cinnamon & Blood Orange
    Sacral Chakra - Jasmine, Rose & Geranium
    Solar Plexus - Clary Sage, Lemon Grass & Bergamot
    Heart Chakra - Ylang Ylang, Jasmine & Sandalwood
    Throat Chakra - Eucalyptus, Spearmint & Lavendar
    Brow Chakra - Lavendar & Sandalwood
    Crown Chakra - Frankincense & Myrrh

    Spiritual Candles

    Purifying - White Sage & Sandalwood (100% Essential Oils)
    Meditation - Incense Scented

    Specialty Candles

    New Life - Baby Powder Scented
    New Home - Fresh Linen Scented
    Happy Birthday - Crème Brulee Scented
    Friends - Coffee Scented
    Thank You - French Pear Scented

    Hope - Pomegranite, Jasmine & Vanilla scented

    Christmas Candles
    Candy Cane - Peppermint Cream Scented
    Sugar Plum Fairy - Plum, Cinnamon and Spices

     If you would like to know more about my candles, melts or reeds, or have a fragrance you love but I dont have, I am happy to custom make.   Please drop me a line..  Im always happy to help.

    "Be Well" xoxo

    Friday, January 16, 2015

    4 Fun Facts Friday about me..

    Lets chat about holidays!  I love holidays, I love adventures, I love seeing and visiting new places, I love learning new cultures, I love travelling...

    4 of my Favourite Places I have been too.

    1)  Fiji - this is my favourite place in the whole wide world.  Its my downtime place.  Its the place I love to go to when I need time out, relax and take it easy.  No shopping, nothing.  Just beaches, laying around, drinking, eating.  Heaven.

    2) New Zealand - I know this is so close to home, and is now classed as part of Australia but the scenery is beautiful.  I loved everything about New Zealand from the Smelly Mud Pools and Geothermal Pools in Rotorua, to the Active Volcano tours, to the trout fishing in Lake Taupo to the beautiful beaches in the Bay of Isles.

    3) Thailand - This is an adventure holiday in itself.  It is colourful, exotic, tropical and cultured.  We loved the colourful temples, the sandy beaches, the wildlife, the elephant trekking, the tigers at the monestry, the nightlife, the shopping, Phi Phi Islands, the fishing villages standing on stilts in the middle of the ocean.  There is 101 things to see and do in Thailand.

    4) Singapore - This town is pristine!  The shopping centres never close!  I absolutely loved Singapore Zoo and Universal Studios. 

    Where are some places you have been that you totally loved and would go back again?

    Thursday, January 15, 2015

    My Vision Board

    Im not into New Years Resolutions as I just gear myself up and feel bad when I fail. 

    I'm more for trying to create and concentrate on things I would like more of in life.  I started a vision board a few years ago and place pics, words, quotes on a cork board that I want more of, what I need to work on, things I love, etc. 

    This board is placed in my "Diva Den"!  LOL!  My 2 car garage that houses not only my car but my craft room.

    A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of your dreams, goals, and things that make you happy.  Creating a vision board can be a useful tool to help you conceptualize your goals and can serve as a source of motivation as you work towards achieving your dreams.

    Reflect upon the things in your life that make you happy.  What do you want out of life?  What would you like to learn?  Places you'd like to visit?  How you would like to be remembered by others?  What you would like more of?  What you would like to work on?  Find and collect images, words, quotes, affirmations, pictures, anything that will help you to achieve and keep you motivated.  Then place them all on a board and display the board somewhere where you can view your board regularly to keep you focused and motivated.

    I would love to see what Vision Boards you come up with!
    Happy Vision Boarding!

    Wednesday, January 14, 2015

    Wise Words Wednesday

    Peace Begins with a Smile - Mother Theresa

    Have you noticed that society is not as friendly anymore.  Most people walk down the street with their heads down or glued to their smart phones.  Eye contact or random smiles at people just don't seem to exist much anymore.

    I Challenge you all to randomly smile at 5 strangers today and report back to me how it made you feel and if the stranger smiled back at you!

    Smiles make the world go round, peace makes everything better, both little known facts that are shown but rarely spoken.  I’m a smiler!  I love to smile at random people I don't know, some quickly bow their heads not knowing where to look and others brighten my day by smiling back. 

    Smiling costs nothing, makes other people feel good and is also good for your health.

    Here are 15 Health Benefits of Smiling

    1 – Lower Heart Rate – Smiling slows the heart and relaxes the body. This lets the heart work without overworking. People who smile and laugh often are less likely to develop heart disease. Smiling also temporarily reduces blood pressure.

    2 – Reduce Stress – Stress is a common problem in the modern world that causes a myriad of health problems. Stress relief may be as simple as smiling a little more throughout the day. Smiling releases endorphins that counteract and diminish the stress hormones.

    3 – Better Mood – The endorphins do more than kick stress to the curb. Endorphins lift your mood. Feeling down? Slap a smile on your face, even if it isn’t entirely genuine at first, and turn your entire day around with something simple, easy to do, and free.

    4 – Increase Productivity – Smiling has been shown to increase your productivity while preforming tasks. There’s truth to the “whistle while we work” mentality. This also explains why silly internet memes and pictures of cute animals can actually get people motivated and working harder after a few moments of smiling or laughter.

    5 – Encourage Trust – Studies show that we are more trustful of others when they smile and smile genuinely. Trust is an important part of social health when dealing with people, whether they be loved ones or simple acquaintances. Seems relationships are truly built on smiles.

    6 – Produce Empathy – When we’re embarrassed or caught doing something questionable, often our first response is a smile. This instinct breaks the initial ice of embarrassment, promotes leniency in what others think of us, and engenders a sense of empathy since we’ve all experienced embarrassment and we want to smile along.

    7 – Avoid Regret – We smile to avoid feeling bad for not smiling. Sounds weird and circular, but we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, so we smile when someone shares some story about their dog, even if we don’t really care. Studies show that if we don’t smile, we feel regret for failing to do so. This regret brings down our mood and boosts stress hormones.

    8 – Kill Pain – Smiling and laughter both have been shown to lessen pain. They release endorphins that lift our moods, but many of these act as natural painkillers too.

    9 – Increase Attention – Stress limits our perceptions and narrows our attention. Our bodies kick into fight or flight mode where we can focus only on one of those things. Smiling counteracts this and widens our attention again, opening us back up to multitasking and insights that come from the fringes of our perception and our subconscious.

    10 – Contagious – Around 50% of people smile back. This spreads the health benefits throughout those around you and it comes back to you several times as well.

    11 – Build Attraction – Smiling makes people more attractive. This seems to be especially true for women. Men are more likely to approach a woman who smiles than one who simply makes eye contact, while women aren’t necessarily drawn in by a smile alone.

    12 – Earn Success – A smile can appear confident, self-assured, and on top of your work. Those who smile are more likely to earn more money through tips and raises. They are more readily approached with business ideas and offered advancements.

    13 – Look Younger – Smiles naturally lift the face and in studies have shown to make people look younger, around 3 years younger on average.

    14 – Longevity – The effects of a good smile extend past just the exterior good looks. People who smile more often live longer too, around 7 years longer than most according to one study. It releases stress, helps the heart, and much more to keep you healthy longer.

    15 – Boost Immune System – Smiles help the body relax and this lets the immune system react more quickly and effectively against invaders.

    Have a Happy Smiling Day! xoxo

    Tuesday, January 13, 2015

    Animal Lover

    I have a confession!  I am an animal lover!  A huge animal lover!  Lucky for me I live on 2.5 acres!

    Over the years I have had many a different animal.  Thanks to my mum and her love of animals, the love was passed onto me!  As a child we had a rescue wallaby (a Rufus Betong), rabbits, horses and cats and yes there have been fish, penny turtles and dogs thrown in as well.

    Now as an adult, with a soft heart, I have a few rescue cats as well as a breeding pair of Ragdoll / Himalayan Cats, currently 3 kittens, a rescue Ferret, a rescue Bearded Dragon and the many wild animals that we have tamed - Possums, Magpies, Rainbow Laurikeets, King Parrots and the ducks that swim on our dam!  A beautiful menagery for my children to grow up with!

    (These are my three little kittens at the moment)

    I honestly could spend my days surrounded with animals and not speak to a single human being!  I met this amazing bird today.  I had to get some supplies from the petshop for my cats and there was this big Green Amazon in the middle of the shop.  Yes you guessed it, I had to stop for a chat.  A very good vocabulary this bird had.  His name was buddy, apparently he is a Good Boy, so he told me.  He asked me "What ya doing?"  He laughed.  When it was time to go, I said goodbye and told him I'd see him later.  Do you know what he said next?  Is exact words were "Aww Don't Go!.  Awww I just had to stay and talk awhile longer.  I then found out off the petshop that he was just on 1 year old, can be a little brat, like a mischevious 5 year old.  He had been the petshops pet for the past 8 months and now that he had turned one it was time to find his forever home.

    Now I'm just waiting on hubby to come home, and with big sooky eyes tell him how amazing this bird is..

    What pets do you have at home?  Are you a massive animal love like me too?

    Monday, January 12, 2015

    Silverside with Mustard & Parsley Sauce - Thermomix

    Tonight was my dads last night staying with me for a while, so I decided to try and give the good ole Silverside a go in the Thermomix.  Im so used to making silverside in the slow cooker I was interested to see how it would turn out in the Thermo - steamed instead of submerged in water.

    Result = A Winner!

    Heres the recipe:-  Silverside with Mustard & Parsley Sauce


    Mustard & Parsley Sauce
    • 10 g Flat Leaf Italian Parsley, (handful)
    • 50 g Butter, cubed
    • 25 g Flour, Plain
    • 420g g Milk, Full Cream
    • 2 tablespoon seeded mustard
    • salt & pepper, to taste
    Corned Beef
    • 1200 g corned beef
    • 1.5 litres water, boiling
    • 5 cloves, whole
    • 3 bay leaves
    • 90 g apple cider vinegar
    • pepper, to taste
    • potatoes, peeled and cubed
    • sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
    • carrots, peeled and chopped
    Mustard & Parsley Sauce
    1. Place parsley into TM bowl and chop 5 sec / speed 7. Remove from bowl and set aside. No need to wash bowl.
    2. Put butter and flour into TM bowl and chop 4 sec / speed 5.Cook 5 mins / Varoma / speed 2.
    3. Add milk, mustard and salt & pepper to taste and cook for 8 mins / 100C / speed 3.
    4. Pour into a microwave-safe jug and cover with glad wrap making sure the glad wrap is touching the surface of the sauce to ensure a ‘skin’ does not form.
    5. Set jug aside.
    Corned Beef
    1. Spray the Varoma dish with oil (this will ensure the meat does not stick).
    2. Remove the meat from the packaging and rinse well under cold water.
    3. Dry it with paper towels and place it into the Varoma dish.
    4. Add the rest of the ingredients to the TM bowl and place the Varoma on top.
    5. Cook for 2hrs (2 x 60min) / Varoma / speed 2.
    1. After 2 hours add your vegetables to the varoma around the corned beef and in the basket if you are cooking for a crowd.
    2. Check the water level in the TM bowl and refill with boiling water to the 1 litre mark. if required.
    3. Place the basket in the bowl and the Varoma back on top and cook for a further 30 mins / Varoma / speed 2.
    4. Check the vegetables, if they are still firm cook for a further 5-10 minutes.
    5. Reheat Parsley Sauce and serve with corned beef and vegetables.

    Such a good ole fashioned hearty dinner and super easy in the Thermo!

    Enjoy! xxoo


    Sunday, January 11, 2015

    The coast road home..

    Our little road trip has come to an end.  Back to the daily grind tomorrow and what better way than to take the coastal road home with its most spectacular scenry and coastlines.  We were in no hurry to get home so what usually takes 3hrs took us 5.5 hours but oh so worth it.

    (Grand Pacific Drive)

    The windy leafy roads around the mountains and cliffs edges was just breath taking not to mention the added sea mist and fog for a little added ambience and mystery.

    (Eerie isn't it!)

    We following The Grand Pacific Drive from Wollongong to Sydney, going over the 665metre Sea Cliff Bridge.  Now that is an eye opener in itself.. 

    (Pic courtesy of web - to show how the road winds around the cliffs)

    I thoroughly recommend you do this road trip!  I can't wait for the next adventure!

    Where are some places that you have visited that you absolutely love??

    What does it mean to be spiritual?

    I find that this word "spiritual" gets thrown around alot these days!  What does it actually mean to BE spiritual?  I really don't know the correct answer. 

    For me, I do not follow one type of religion.  I do not need to go to church every week to listen to god, to confess my sins, etc.  I practice being grateful and one with nature everyday! 

    To me simply, a spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet.  There are many people who do not practise a religion, who do not meditate, pray or belong to any group, who are very spiritual people.  These people naturally do caring things for others.  They think about how they can help.  Their thoughts are kind rather than judgemental.  They are positive rather than negative.

    15 signs you maybe spiritual and didn't know it - (I have all 15)

    1) Pray - I pray with my children everynight being thankful for everything during the day and asking them to look over and protect us while we sleep.  I constantly ask the angels for help, even if it is that easy car space when I am short of time.

    2) Belief - Believing in something bigger than you!  We are apart of an amazing universe, learning lessons, etc.  I don't believe there is one person who dictates what happens to us.

    3) Positivity - Thinking happy thoughts and trying at all times to be positive
    4) Kindness - Being kind, caring and helpful to others and knowing that we are all one.

    5) Nature - Feeling serene and grounded in Nature.  Re-earthing.  Toxic lifestyles, harsh words and thoughts serves no-one.  Being in nature is calming and healing and you feel peaceful when surrounded by nature.

    6) Animal Lover - Lovers of all creatures great and small.  Too the littlest bug to the largest animal.  You honour and respect another living individual.  You do not like cruelty to animals.

    7) Intuitive - You follow your gut instinct, your natural intuition.  This is a clear sign you are followinga faith more greater than yourself.

    8) Honesty - Being honest and truthful.  You seek the truth and honesty in all situations.

    9) Honour Life - You honour life.  You can allow yourself to be present with the true miracle life is a gift.

    10) Life is a series of Lessons - We aren't here to be born, to work, to stress, then die.  We are here to learn a series of life lessons, and those lessons are constantly repeated until we learn them.  The more lessons we learn the more advanced we proceed after death.

    11) Forgiveness - You recognise the power of forgiveness is for more beneficial than holding grudges and onto negative emotions.  Letting go, forgiving and sending peace is for more enlightening on your soul that to harbour grudges, anger and ill-will, as this only causes resentment, bitterness and dis-ease.

    12) Simple Life - You strive to live a life that is simple.  You avoid gossip, worry, stress and violence.  You live a life where things leave you feeling restored, refreshed, balanced and happy.

    13) Humour - You embrace the humour in life.  Being happy lightens the spirit. 

    14) Love of New Age - You lean towards the new age.  You have a love or curiosity towards crystals, chakra's, natural medicines, healing, angels, meditation, yoga, anything new agey that helps to heal and enlighten.

    15) One with others - Spirituality is about being what you are and what is.  It is being one with others.  Acknowledging the divine in others.  Knowing that we are all the same, living on the same planet, wanting the same thing.

    In Summary, if you want to be a spiritual person then you have to let kindness be your guiding light.  Kindness towards yourself, kindness towards others, kindness towards animals and kindness towards our beautiful planet we call home.  Recognize we are of love, learn to honour that love and experience the oneness of all that is.

    Namaste. xoxo