Friday, January 23, 2015

Its not always Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

My days aren't always sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.   I put alot of time & energy into my emotional and mental wellbeing.

Today I have woken flat.  As did my mum, I too suffer from depression and anxiety.  It is a daily battle to stay on top.  This is the reason why I am so avid for positivity, affirmations and all things spiritual to keep me where I need to be.

Depending whats going on in my life, I can easily slips through the cracks and wake up feeling flat and in the land of the "I can't be bothereds", "I have no interest", "I dont care" and hiding away, etc. 

Do you do this?

I try very hard to be happy on the outside, practice my positivity and gratitude everyday because believe me it works.  Though when the time comes and the yoyo of the ups and downs starts to slide to the downs, I make sure I work extra hard to get back up.  I don't beat myself up, I acknowledge how Im feeling, look for the cause as to why, try to deal with them and tell myself that tomorrow is a brand new day.

So just for today I am going to be a little kinder to myself, take some time out for myself to be mindful and relax, and of course keep practicing my positivity and gratefulness, because even in the lowest of days, you can still find things to be grateful for.


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