Sunday, January 4, 2015

10 reasons why friends are important...

Ive been giving alot of thought into friends lately and where I would be without my friends.  We all know how important friends are. There are friends we go for coffee with, friends we shop with, friends we go to the movies with, friends we have over for dinner, friends we go on holidays with, friends with whom we share a hobby and friends we head to the gym with.   I believe that having friends is a huge bonus in life especially for the following 10 reasons:-

1. Comfort
A best friend is someone who knows everything there is to know about you.  They already know all the inside details as well as the outside details.  Even if you haven't connected recently "It's like picking up a book and knowing exactly where you left off".

2. Connectedness
Having a friend gives you that sense of connectedness.  Just knowing you don't have to be alone if you dont want to provides comfort in itself.  Its doesn't matter if your friend lives next door, around the block, in the next town, across the border or in another country, if your feel alone, if you are in need of support emotionally or physically, a friend is always there.

3. Unconditional support
Unconditional love is all about loving you no matter what.  Whether you are at your best or at your worst, at your highest or at your lowest.  A friend doesn't judge you they love us no matter what.  They dont care if your house is a mess or immaculate, they don't care wether you are still in your pajamas or are looking glamourous, they dont care whether our children are little brats or little angels. Our friends have seen us at our best and at our worst, and they love us either way. 
4. Self-esteem 
Good friends are wonderful for our self-esteem.  They are there to help us look good, by giving that extra care and advice when picking out clothes. Having a friend who is open and honest and not afraid to tell you when something looks awful or doesn't suit is a friend looking out for you.  Having someone in our life who thinks we are important -- someone who wants our opinion on things and who values our company -- makes us feel wanted, it boosts our self-esteem.

5. Honest opinions
Well of course that leads to honesty.  Good friends will also be totally honest with us.  They know you inside and out.  They know your style, your taste, your colours, they know you well and are able to tell it like it is. So thank your best friend the next time she looks you in the eye, shakes her head and suggests you rethink a possibly silly decision. She's got your best interests at heart.

6. A fresh perspective
We are different, with different ideas, values, experiences, morals and opinions.  Having good friends can open our eyes to new ideas and ways of thinking.  They can add a new dimension to a problem, a different view or advice we had never thought of.  By having a diverse range of opinions, values, ideas and morals can help us all to grow and learn new things about ourselves.  A new set of eyes always brings a fresh perspective, so they say! 

7. Life lessons
You learn alot of life lessons by having friends in your life, even if its just by observing.  You may have a friend who has a disfunctional family or a hard to handle teenager.  Just by observing behaviours etc, can help you to grow or place in the memory banks if the time ever arises and you may need experience in that area.  Other peoples problems and how they react and solve issues can also help you to grow and add to those life lesson challenges that are thrown our way.

8. Loyalty
Having a good loyal friend on your side is a major plus.  Knowing that you can vent to a friend and know that they aren't going to send a telegram out to the rest of the neighbourhood creates alot of relief.  Loyalty equals trust. Someone to bounce off, a shoulder to cry on, to share happy moments, to even trust them to look after your children is a god send.  Always remember to tell your friend when you find one that meets all the criteria of a loyal one, how much they mean to you and how much your appreciate them.  A loyal friend certainly makes the world a better place. 

9. Personal growth
Having a good friend means sharing experiences.  We get stuck in our own routines and it's nice to hear about what other people are doing. Often we can live vicariously through our close friends and learn about things we may not have thought about doing.
10. The best sounding board
One of the greatest things about having a best friend is being able to share EVERYTHING.  They are the ones to whom we tell things we wouldn't dream of telling anyone else -- our greatest fears and biggest mistakes to our biggest dreams and or greatest achievements. Being able to share these intimate details about our lives helps to normalize what has happened.  As they say "A problem shared is a problem halved".
Thank you to all the wonderful friends in my life.  I am truly thankful to each and every one of you!

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