Sunday, January 11, 2015

What does it mean to be spiritual?

I find that this word "spiritual" gets thrown around alot these days!  What does it actually mean to BE spiritual?  I really don't know the correct answer. 

For me, I do not follow one type of religion.  I do not need to go to church every week to listen to god, to confess my sins, etc.  I practice being grateful and one with nature everyday! 

To me simply, a spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet.  There are many people who do not practise a religion, who do not meditate, pray or belong to any group, who are very spiritual people.  These people naturally do caring things for others.  They think about how they can help.  Their thoughts are kind rather than judgemental.  They are positive rather than negative.

15 signs you maybe spiritual and didn't know it - (I have all 15)

1) Pray - I pray with my children everynight being thankful for everything during the day and asking them to look over and protect us while we sleep.  I constantly ask the angels for help, even if it is that easy car space when I am short of time.

2) Belief - Believing in something bigger than you!  We are apart of an amazing universe, learning lessons, etc.  I don't believe there is one person who dictates what happens to us.

3) Positivity - Thinking happy thoughts and trying at all times to be positive
4) Kindness - Being kind, caring and helpful to others and knowing that we are all one.

5) Nature - Feeling serene and grounded in Nature.  Re-earthing.  Toxic lifestyles, harsh words and thoughts serves no-one.  Being in nature is calming and healing and you feel peaceful when surrounded by nature.

6) Animal Lover - Lovers of all creatures great and small.  Too the littlest bug to the largest animal.  You honour and respect another living individual.  You do not like cruelty to animals.

7) Intuitive - You follow your gut instinct, your natural intuition.  This is a clear sign you are followinga faith more greater than yourself.

8) Honesty - Being honest and truthful.  You seek the truth and honesty in all situations.

9) Honour Life - You honour life.  You can allow yourself to be present with the true miracle life is a gift.

10) Life is a series of Lessons - We aren't here to be born, to work, to stress, then die.  We are here to learn a series of life lessons, and those lessons are constantly repeated until we learn them.  The more lessons we learn the more advanced we proceed after death.

11) Forgiveness - You recognise the power of forgiveness is for more beneficial than holding grudges and onto negative emotions.  Letting go, forgiving and sending peace is for more enlightening on your soul that to harbour grudges, anger and ill-will, as this only causes resentment, bitterness and dis-ease.

12) Simple Life - You strive to live a life that is simple.  You avoid gossip, worry, stress and violence.  You live a life where things leave you feeling restored, refreshed, balanced and happy.

13) Humour - You embrace the humour in life.  Being happy lightens the spirit. 

14) Love of New Age - You lean towards the new age.  You have a love or curiosity towards crystals, chakra's, natural medicines, healing, angels, meditation, yoga, anything new agey that helps to heal and enlighten.

15) One with others - Spirituality is about being what you are and what is.  It is being one with others.  Acknowledging the divine in others.  Knowing that we are all the same, living on the same planet, wanting the same thing.

In Summary, if you want to be a spiritual person then you have to let kindness be your guiding light.  Kindness towards yourself, kindness towards others, kindness towards animals and kindness towards our beautiful planet we call home.  Recognize we are of love, learn to honour that love and experience the oneness of all that is.

Namaste. xoxo

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